Student Voices

Campus Interviews

Let’s hear some student voices! In our campus interview videos, you’ll have the opportunity to listen to the authentic experiences of our students as they share their unique journeys in the captivating field of cognitive science. These interviews provide an inside look into our program, offering a clear and relatable perspective on what cognitive science is all about.

What online students love about studying Cognitive Science at Osnabrück

Learning, growing, and experimenting are the foundation of the Cognitive Science study programs. This holds true for courses and research but also the way that the institute explores teaching formats.
For many years the classic in-person teaching has been accompanied by lecture recordings and digital formats, allowing students in Osnabrück to get a wider learning experience. During the project Cognitive Science Master Online Studies (COSMOS) the institute took it a step further and piloted an online master track to the existing Master program. Let’s hear from some COSMOS students about their experiences.

A worldwide team

Challenge and success

Looking into the future