Why do psychologists need statistics if they study the human mind?
Professor Michael Franke studied and taught at Osnabrück University and now teaches at the University of Tübingen. He explains how his scientific pathway led him to study language and formal logic to better understand underlying statistical ideas. He explains the importance of methods in the field of cognitive science and the large impact they have on our understanding of the world.
Listen to this episode if you want to learn more about the relevance of statistics, why it actually is fascinating to do statistics and where we might need to change our minds when it comes to teaching basic knowledge in the university context.
“The ‘hard-headed cowboy … with a Stradivarius violin’ is NOT by Popper himself, but used by Peter Godfrey-Smith in his book ‘Theory & Reality’ as a description of Popper’s views.”
Produced by: Sophie Kühne and Alina Ohnesorge
Logo by: Annika Richter
Music by: Jan-Luca Schröder