As technology continues to evolve in our world of today, new and innovative methods for making learning even more interesting are stemming. This involves integrating Extended Reality and Virtual Reality into the traditional education system, therefore bringing about changes that are just as effective as they are unexpected.
The Cognitive Science Student Journal is proud to present its interview with Adriane Pelikan, a working student with some prominent experience under her belt, in the field. During the interview, there were some noteworthy insights shared on Adriane’s part, and the journal brings these thoughts forth to you through the means of this interview.
One key takeaway from the interview is the steadily increasing impact of Extended reality and Virtual reality in schools, with aims to improve the quality of education. What is interesting that Adriane will be holding her own course for bachelor students during the summer semester, and all interested students can get a peek into what they can be expecting from the course.
Interview by Anna Shapiro and Hardika Potey

Adriane Pelikan
“Virtual reality offers great enrichment in many fields, such as training or even education, as it is very immersive. You are completely immersed in another world, so you can learn and understand many things in a completely different way. However, I don’t know if there will be a future in which everyone will use virtual reality glasses privately in everyday life. For augmented reality, this could be different. I think that it really has the potential to be part of everyone’s life in the future, mostly because of the “blend” with the real world.”